Equipment Movement Management You Can ‘Bank’ On

The Mechanical Movements team have been at Bank Street, Canary Wharf, installing new downflow cooling systems into the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) building.

We delivered the downflow units by rigged lorry, before unloading them with a Telehandler into the basement loading bay. The 800kg components were offloaded two at a time onto the floor area.

Once offloaded, reoriented and unpacked, we placed them onto a skoot system to be transported along the corridor into the goods lift, before being carefully manoeuvred through the building to the computer room level.

Our expert operatives skilfully manoeuvred the equipment out of the goods lift and into their final positions onto bases in the computer room.

Overall, our team had more than fifty units of equipment to deliver and install into the commercial office building, which we complete in stages over a period of six months.